Tag: 12540

  • MMA in LaGrangeville, NY

    Precision MMA in LaGrangeville, NY is home to professional fighter Brian McLaughlin.  Watch Brian in action in his MMA debut! If you like what you see and would like to train MMA in LaGrangeville, NY FREE for 30 Days call 845-392-8495 or check out www.poughkeepsiemixedmartialarts.com    

  • Precision MMA Coach Helps UFC Fighter Win Submission of the Night

    Precision MMA Coach Helps the UFC’s Dan Miller win Submission of the Night Every fighter dreams of stepping into the UFC octagon and every UFC fighter hopes to take home a big time bonus for a spectacular finish.  Precision MMA coach Brian McLaughlin got to be part of just such an occurrence when he journeyed…

  • Precision MMA Grapplers win Big at NAGA – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in LaGrange, NY

    Poughkeepsie Grapplers Take Home Victories at NAGA Precision MMA Grapplers made the trip from their hometown of LaGrange, NY up to Albany for the North American Grappling Associations (NAGA) tournament. The big star of the day was little Mikey Rooney. With only 18 months experience, Mikey was able to win both his intermediate divisions. Since…

  • Hudson Valley MMA at Precision Mixed Martial Arts in LaGrange, NY

    Attention Hudson Valley MMA fans – Precision MMA is now offering an incredible 30 Day FREE Trial!  To get started visit www.hudsonvalley-mma.com or call 845-392-8495 Hudson Valley MMA at Precision MMA What Can You Expect from Training Hudson Valley MMA at Precision? Learn to Fight Like a UFC Fighter! If you are a fan of MMA…

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques from Precision MMA in Poughkeepsie, NY

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques at Precision MMA in Poughkeepsie, NY Here are a few of the guard submissions we’ve been working on over at Precision  in LaGrange, NY (just outside Poughkeepsie).  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the only martial arts that teaches students to fight off their back. This gives Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners the chance to…