I travel far and wide to train with the top martial artists I can find. When I come across a good thing I always try and share it with my students – I’ve lead many Precision MMA students from Poughkeepsie on field trips to some of the top MMA gyms in the Northeast. The comment that gets repeated to me the most during these trips is “That kid with the pony tail is REALLY good!” The long haired fellow in question is of course coach Karl. Striking or grappling Karl’s unique style and innovative techniques turn heads among even the best and brightest of the sport. The popular belief is that Karl was a martial arts protege who was hitting omoplatas and high kicks with surgical Precision from day 1. Few people realize that along the way to his current success Karl overcame deficiencies that would have scared away many.
When Karl first came in to try out class he looked like Kurt Cobain after a hunger strike. He was very out of shape and initially could only take a few classes a week because his body couldn’t handle regular exercise. The experienced students would tie him in knots and the new guys could muscle him around. However, Karl had a secret weapon that would allow him to quickly rise through the ranks and achieve his martial arts goals. He had a thirst for knowledge and enjoyed the journey. While other students would beat their heads against walls if they couldn’t effortlessly tap everyone in class Karl had a smile on his face every time he would get submitted. Rather than taking nights off to party Karl would stay late and ask questions about mixed martial arts. Instead of being discouraged by the lack of immediate promotion Karl prepared himself for a long martial arts journey in Poughkeepsie.
Helio Gracie once said “the primary objective of jiu-jitsu is to empower the weak”. The real magic of martial arts training is the transformation of a student from frail and unassuming to confident and powerful. The unfortunate part is that too often students fall short of fulfilling this incredible change due to frustration or lack of confidence. Karl’s progression didn’t happen overnight, but his passion for the martial arts and belief in his trainers carried him through the trying times. His progress is now a shining example of what is possible if you stay the course and enjoy the journey in Poughkeepsie Mixed Martial Arts.
Technique coupled with dedication can overcome any physical disadvantage. Jean Jacques Machado became a Jiu-Jitsu world champion despite being born without fingers on his left hand, Anthony Robles becomes an NCAA National wrestling champion while having only 1 leg, Helio Gracie became the most influential fighter and martial artist of his generation yet as a youth he had fainting and dizziness so severe he was not allowed to take PE class. Natural ability and physical tools are hardly prerequisites for Poughkeepsie MMA success, a positive attitude and unyielding dedication will more than suffice.
See you on the mat
“When I started I was the skinny kid – I had never done any martial arts training. I was slower, weaker and less explosive than everyone I worked with…at the time all I really had going for me was that I loved it” – Karl Nemeth
Want to learn more about how you can become a martial artists like Karl Nemeth? Give us a call at 845-392-8495 or drop in at 1097 Route 55, Lagrangeville NY.
Precision Mixed Martial Arts
1097 Route 55, Lagrangeville NY 12540