How Precision’s Kids Martial Arts Classes Can Benefit Your Child
For centuries people have been enhancing their lives through martial arts. The benefits of training can be boundless for people of any age, but can be especially fruitful for children. Enrolling your child in martial arts classes will help them sharpen their focus, build confidence and craft the mental tools necessary to work respectfully with…
Kids Are Thanksful For Precision
Little Landen made this for coach Brian and coach Stanley to show how much he loves Precision MMA
Hudson Valley Muay Thai at Precision MMA: Renovations Add More Training Space
Few gyms in the Hudson Valley area of New York offer the eclectic and effective striking art of Muay Thai kickboxing. Fewer still have a facility which accommodates serious striking training. Believe it or not, many martial arts’ gyms do not have proper equipment, lack heavy bags, pads, and most do not even have a…
Hudson Valley Kid’s Martial Arts Classes – Precision Mixed Martial Arts
Growing up isn’t always easy. Just as the adult world is fraught with all sorts of competition, whether business related or otherwise, so too is a child’s world full of social obstacles. From a young age each child makes particular friends, which often distinguish him as a part of a social “clique”, at whatever school he attends.…
Poughkeepsie kids and children’s martial arts
Precision Mixed Martial Arts Poughkeepsie Kid’s program is focused on building strong martial artists that have success on and off the mat. Precision MMA has a life skills program that ensures that as kids progress through the martial arts they are also keeping up with their school work, being respectful at home and working to…