Category: martial arts

  • Training Muay Thai while injured

    No one ever called Muay Thai the gentle way. The world is not perfect and at some point we all get hurt. When you train with an injury it is important to train intelligently. Many students exacerbate the injury repeatedly by doing the same technique that caused the injury in the first place. Muay Thai…

  • Precision MMA Helps Fight For The Forgotten

    A few years ago I first heard about MMA star Justin Wren’s efforts to help the Pygmy people who inhabit The Congo.  Justin left the glitz and glamour of professional fighting seeking a greater purpose and he found it in Congo.  He found people living in bondage and suffering beyond anything he had previously imagined.…

  • Brian McLaughlin A Lifetime of Martial Arts

    For the instructors at Precision MMA martial arts is more than a hobby, it is a way of life.  Head coach Brian McLaughlin started his training back in 1999 as a sophomore in high school.  He began with Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a way to learn self-defense.  He quickly became obsessed with jiu-jitsu training twice daily.…

  • How Martial Arts Can Help Prevent Childhood Obesity

    How Martial Arts Can Help Fight Childhood Obesity In the past 30 years, the rate of childhood obesity has doubled. As of 2012, more than one third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Preventing childhood obesity also prevents diseases like type two diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. Unhealthy habits often begin in…

  • Women and MMA-Not Just For Boys

    There are so many reasons for women to start MMA training. Unfortunately, women are often the primary victims in abductions, rapes, or domestic abuse. Women ages 18-36 are at the greatest risk of being victims of domestic violence. Situations like these could change your life drastically. When you train MMA, you become more confident in…

  • Precision’s new commercial

    Check out the new Precision MMA commercial!    )

  • The Secret Success Formula

    In many ways training martial arts is easier today than ever before.  The popularity of MMA competition has made arts such as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai more accessible to the public.  The internet has allowed techniques to travel across the world in a matter of seconds.  Schools such as Precision MMA in LaGrange, NY…

  • Coach Karl Defends His Muay Thai Title!

                Read all about Coach Karl’s recent fight at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center HERE

  • Brian McLaughlin Guillotine Hudson Valley MMA

    Coach Brian hits a textbook “Marcelotine” choke (a variation of the guillotine shown here – MMA Tampa) in the expert division at the North American Grappling New York Championship. Learn these and other Hudson Valley MMA techniques at Precision MMA in LaGrange, NY call 845-392-8495 or click here to get started  

  • 5 Reasons Good Grapplers Lose in BJJ Competitions

                The art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, whether practiced with or without a Gi, has multiple modern applications.  As anyone who has trained for any length of time knows, BJJ is one of the best styles for street self defense due to its emphasis on getting the fight to the ground, limiting the attacker’s ability to…