Category: kids martial arts

  • Hudson Valley Martial Arts More Than Karate at Precision Mixed Martial Arts

    Precision Mixed Martial Arts in the Hudson Valley: Compliments and Expands Upon Karate Training Every martial artist in the world starts with a base or “core-style” which they must then build off of.  Few who become passionate about the martial arts will train in one style alone throughout their life; most will branch out and…

  • Hudson Valley Muay Thai at Precision MMA: Renovations Add More Training Space

    Few gyms in the Hudson Valley area of New York offer the eclectic and effective striking art of Muay Thai kickboxing.  Fewer still have a facility which accommodates serious striking training.  Believe it or not, many martial arts’ gyms do not have proper equipment, lack heavy bags, pads, and most do not even have a…

  • Hudson Valley Kid’s Martial Arts Classes – Precision Mixed Martial Arts

    Growing up isn’t always easy. Just as the adult world is fraught with all sorts of competition, whether business related or otherwise, so too is a child’s world full of social obstacles. From a young age each child makes particular friends, which often distinguish him as a part of a social “clique”, at whatever school he attends.…

  • Poughkeepsie kids and children’s martial arts

    Precision Mixed Martial Arts Poughkeepsie Kid’s program is focused on building strong martial artists that have success on and off the mat.  Precision MMA has a life skills program that ensures that as kids progress through the martial arts they are also keeping up with their school work, being respectful at home and working to…

  • Poughkeepsie Kid’s Martial Arts – Children’s Martial Arts in Poughkeepsie

    Study after study has shown that training in martial arts can augment a child’s self-confidence. For many, becoming more certain in one’s own abilities and worth is of critical importance, and martial artists such as Jiu-Jitsu blue blood Rener Gracie have successfully applied their expertise to “bully-proofing” these vulnerable boys and girls. But what about…

  • Kid’s Karate Classes Teach Life Lessons to Hudson Valley Youth

    Jamey Bazes is a lifelong Hudson Valley martial artist and senior student at Precision MMA in LaGrange, NY.  Here he recounts how his early experiences in Karate classes and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu taught him valuable life lessons. To give your child the gift of martial arts call Precision MMA today and start your FREE 30 Day…

  • Poughkeepsie Family Martial Arts

    Obesity in America has been called an epidemic by many.  Often times the habits and behaviors of adults are the habits and behaviors their children will adopt.  Obesity has become a problem for many families because a parent or both has not practiced healthy habits in either their diet or exercise routine.  Poughkeepsie Family Martial…

  • Lagrange Martial Arts for Children

    Lagrange Martial Arts for Children is a program designed specifically with your child’s needs in mind.  Lagrange Martial Arts for Children can help develop important life skills while teaching self-defense techniques.  Lagrange Martial Arts For Children   has instructors who strive to give your child the most valuable martial arts experience they can.  Our schedule…

  • Kids MMA Classes at Precision Mixed Martial Arts in LaGrange, NY – Poughkeepsie region

    At Precision MMA kids training is never stale or boring.  Our kids learn the most cutting edge techniques in the sport of mixed martial arts on a regular basis.  In this video, Precision MMA student 10 year old Richard works with Poughkeepsie’s AKBF Muay Thai champion Karl Nemeth. Richard is working on muay thai front…

  • Martial Arts for Kids in the Poughkeepsie Hudson Valley Region

    Hudson Valley Kids Martial Arts Martial Arts can do wonders for your child’s self esteem, confidence and physical and mental health. However, there are so many martial arts schools in the Hudson Valley and each claims to be the best, what should a parent look for? Here are a few tips to make sure you’re…